Pick your jaw up off the floor. Clean up all the coffee you spilled all over your desk. It's ok I'll wait.
Seriously, I don't have one. No Bucket List here. Sure there are places I want to see, things I want to do, but I don't keep a list. I do this for a couple of reasons. The first and probably the one that rules my life is that I just never buckled down to plot it out, and if I did, I can no longer find the napkin or scrap of paper it was written on. It's not my fault great ideas find me when all I have is a golf pencil and a bar napkin. The other more eloquent reason for my lack of list deals with spontaneity and freedom. By not having a list I am not ruled by checking things off when I do them. Instead, if someone tells me about an awesome place, I just go. If I happen to stumble upon a new place while wandering aimlessly in a city, then I can just be present in the moment. Plans are meant to be changed, and travel is meant to be malleable in both what we decide to do and how we allow it to impact our mental and spiritual selves.
Small church in Znojmo |