Thursday, December 10, 2009

Iceberg right ahead?

Has anyone heard about the iceberg off the coast of Australia? "A large iceberg was spotted off an island about halfway between Antarctica and Australia, a rare sight in waters so far north, Australian scientists said Thursday." (AP, Nov. 11, 2009)

Locate where this iceberg was spotted.

What do you think will happen to it as it continues to travel?
How could this cause problems?

Click on the link below to help you answer the questions.


  1. This is so exciting! Icebergs in Australia and big waves in Hawai`i!
    ? How do I put a picture on here for you? I'll send it to you another way and you can try.???

  2. I have just created a way for my students to comment on each of my blog posts. Ms. B if you email the picture to me I can post it here for you!

    Ms. D

  3. A iceberg is headed to sydney,australia so becareful

  4. I haven't seen any icebergs yet, but I will be on the look out!
